Want to improve your gut health? I have tips for you!

When people talk about gut health usually it’s in reference to the digestive system. Poor gut health is generally linked to digestive problems, lack of regularity (aka 💩 problems), bloating, gas, etc. However, researchers are gaining clarity on how connected and important our gut health is to our overall health, and it goes beyond our digestive functions. Gut health also plays an important role in mental health and the immune system.

So, what can you do to improve your gut health?

Here are a few ideas for you:

Fill your plate with plants: eating a wide array of whole plant-based foods supports the gut by providing soluble fiber aka “prebiotics”, which is a food source for the gamut of good bacteria that live in your gut. This bacteria helps with digestion, supports the immune system, and more! While all plant foods contain fiber, you can level up with prebiotic rich foods including beans, lentils, whole grains, artichokes, broccoli, apples and pears (with skin) & berries! Browse my Recipe Index for fiber rich, plant-based recipe inspo!

Eat fermented foods: Fermenting is a process used to preserve food, but it also heightens the nutritional value and provides probiotics, which are live microorganisms that support digestion.  If you’re looking to start adding more fermented foods to your diet, my favourites are sauerkraut, kimchi, miso and kombucha.

Drink plenty of water: The fiber rich foods we eat need water to move through the digestive tract. Meaning a lack of water will lead to constipation, bloating and other tummy troubles. Be sure to stay hydrated.