Are you looking to learn more about plant-based health and wellness? Or curious about how to add more healthy foods to your diet? Join the inaugural Plant-Based Breakthrough Bookclub for a discussion about New York Times best selling book "How Not To Die" by Dr. Michael Greger.
How Not To Die explores the foods scientifically proven to prevent and reverse disease and those linked to optimal wellness. This fascinating and light hearted read is direct to the point and provides actionable steps to help you become your healthiest self. Well-researched and well-organized, it explains some of the more common chronic diseases in the world including the natural remedies and changes in the diet that can remedy them.
Starting at 10:30 a.m. join plant-based chef & nutritionist Amy Longard, along with other health & wellness enthusiasts, for coffee or tea and a guided discussion on the book, its take-aways, and lessons learned. Following the discussion you're invited to stick around for a healthy plant-based lunch. Our hosts, The Table, have kindly offered a 10% discount to bookclub attendees for their lunch buffet.
This event is free and open to everyone, however we ask that you confirm your attendance on the Eventbrite page as space is limited. Register soon to avoid disappointment. CLICK HERE to grab your ticket.